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One size fits most.
Gear can be shipped, but if you are local and would like to pick yours up, please coordinate with the C.U.R.E. office. Please select both package options if you need your gear shipped and please pay shipping for EACH beanie that is being mailed.

C.U.R.E. Gear
Friday, December 31, 2021
I'm so excited for my beanie!
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Navy C.U.R.E. + Love Your Melon Beanie
80 Remaining

Navy Cuffed C.U.R.E. + Love Your Melon hat
83 Remaining

Beaded Silver & Gold C.U.R.E. Bracelet
55 Remaining

Thick Braided Cord C.U.R.E. Bracelet
10 Remaining

Black Cord C.U.R.E. Bracelet
10 Remaining

Thin Braided Cord C.U.R.E. Bracelet
10 Remaining

C.U.R.E. Athletic Socks $0.00

Shipping (per item) $0.00
Registration opens: Friday, February 7, 2020
Registration closes: Wednesday, December 31, 2025

I would like to make an even bigger impact!
