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Please join us for the
28th Annual
Monroe County High School Hockey League
William J. Quinlan Memorial
Senior Select Hockey Game
Dedicated to the loving memory of Willian & Margeurite Quinlan.
When: Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Where: Thomas Creek Ice Arena in Fairport, NY
What: CURE Childhood Cancer Association will be holding its 28th Annual“Senior Select” hockey game, featuring 80 of Section V’s top senior players. These 80 players will face off in two games beginning at 5:30 PM.
Can't make it to the game, but still want to help? YOU can make a difference through purchasing an ad for the program book for the game! Options include full, half, quarter and business card sized ads! See "Admission Purchase" page to purchase your ad. Deadline to purchase ads is February 23, 2015.